purple petaled flowers
purple petaled flower

The Ultimate FREE Plant List
for Your Dream Garden

Are you planning to transform your garden or landscape into a thriving, beautiful, and low-maintenance oasis? Look no further!

I’m excited to offer you my FREE comprehensive plant list of 130 plants (WITH PICTURES!), meticulously curated to make your gardening journey a breeze - all organized by sunny or shady locations.

What's Included?

  1. Black Walnut/Juglone-Tolerant Plants: Discover plants that can thrive near black walnut trees or in soils affected by juglone. 13 Plants for Sun and 13 Plants for Shade.
  2. Salt-Tolerant & Drought-Resistant Plants: Choose from a range of hardy plants that can withstand challenging conditions, making them perfect for coastal or arid landscapes. 13 Plants for Sun and 13 Plants for Shade.
  3. Plants for Clay Soil: Learn about plants that love clay soil, helping you overcome soil challenges with ease. 13 Plants for Sun and 13 Plants for Shade.
  4. Ontario Native Plants: Embrace the natural beauty of Ontario with a selection of native plants that support local wildlife and ecosystems. 13 Plants for Sun and 13 Plants for Shade.
  5. Low-Maintenance Plants: Save time and effort with our collection of low-maintenance plants that require minimal care while providing maximum beauty. 13 Plants for Sun and 13 Plants for Shade.

How to Get Your FREE Plant List:

Simply enter your name and email below to subscribe to my monthly "Blossom Bulletin" and click the link to download your Plant List instantly.

It's my gift to you as you embark on your gardening adventure.

Let's make your dream garden a reality! 🌷🌞🍃

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